Hello world! :)
I'm Rafael, I'm currently 15 years old and I come from the beautiful Austria. On Stardoll I'm Rafi101, you may call me Rafi. My hobbies are in-line skating, ice skating, drawing, fashion design, making graphics, Stardoll, taking photos, making videos and more.
I'm known for my competition/blog "
Rafael's Next Top Model". I put much effort into it. I also write for several blogs such as Stardoll Crown and Extravagance Stardoll. I own a model agency called "Sparkle Model Management" (SMM) and a fashion line called "Spice Couture".
This will be my graphic blog, where I post graphics I've recently made. I already have this blog since October 2011, but I re-opened it today.
By the way, what do you think of the header?!
Hope you guys will follow and comment.
xoxo Rafael
I'm sorry if my English isn't that good.. ;)