Thursday, July 26, 2012

Face Shading Improvement!

So basically I don't have any time to do some new graphics for my blog, but I'm just too busy with Spice Couture. I want to get it finally finished!! But it seems like I'm able to release the first collection this weekend.
Anyway, I wanted to share this with you ...



Oh my gosh I can't believe that my face shading has improved so much! I tried to shade the cheekbones not too dark or exaggerated. I also like their make-up, especially the one of mathildamath. Thanks to my new make-up brushes!! Haha ;D

I used both of them for Spice Couture, so you will recognize these looks on the runway. I'm sorry that I'm recently posting only about my fashion line and faces. But I promise that after I've released the collection I will start doing new graphics (and no more faces).

xoxo Rafi

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spice Couture Preview

Hey guys!
I know it has been a while since my last post, but I haven't really got the time for any other graphics than the ones for my fashion line Spice Couture. I'm busily working on these graphics and I hope I'll get the first collection done this week.
Anyway, I decided to post a little sneak peek of prêt-à-porter summer 2012 collection..

Model: __Mariah__

So this is the make-up of Maria who will model the 6th outfit. I've also done the cheek bones and face shadings. The make-up is fully done via photoshop. The hair is still missing though, but I'm already working on her hair and outfit. You will see the results in the completed collection. 
Model: Jay.Pattinson

This is the "first face" of the collection, which means she will open the runway show and this is the first outfit to be shown. I'm pretty proud of it, especially about the flames.

Please comment what you think!!
xoxo Rafi